The second concert of NWCC’s season celebrates the poetry and legacy of Walt Whitman, 170 years after the initial publication of Leaves of Grass. We are partnering with Phinney Books to feature the work of Whitman and support our local bookstore. The wide-reaching influence of his prophetic vision of America, democracy, and humanity will be on display with works by Norman Dello Joio, Stacy Garrop, and Robert Maggio, among others.
Available online and at the door
Suggested Donation: $25 per viewer: PayPal
We offer a reduced concert program. Texts will only be projected at Sunday afternoon’s concert. If you would like a copy of the texts and conductor’s note, you can download and print a copy of the program using this link. You can also view the program on your phone or other device using this link.

We present our season finale in collaboration with Sammamish High School, offering a chance to explore the generational impacts of music and poetry through song, in a literal and metaphorical sense. We explore the various sound-worlds of forward-thinking historical music, and historically inspired contemporary music, and how music and art can transport us to liminal space free of the constraints of time and place.
Available online and at the door
Suggested Donation: $25 per viewer: PayPal
Our organization is committed to fostering artistic expression and community engagement. While our fall concert will explore the power of the political voice, we want to clarify that we do not participate in any political activities. We encourage attendees to engage with the performances and consider the broader themes explored, but we do not endorse any specific political views or candidates. Our focus remains on celebrating music and its ability to inspire and unite us all.