- The board consists of a mix of community members and Chamber Chorus singers. Membership is currently 7 board members (5 singers, 2 community members). The Artistic Director and the Executive Director attend board meetings and participate in an advisory capacity.
- The board employs and evaluates the Artistic Director and the Executive Director, guides the Chorus with long-range and short-range planning and reviews, approves the budget, administers Chorus by-laws, is accountable for meeting the Chorus’s legal and fiduciary obligations, increases awareness of choral music as an art form, implements policies for audience development, helps with concert arrangements, helps with fundraising activities (annual donor drive and auction), participates in special chorus committee work, represents the Chorus to the community, and more!
- The initial term of office is three years. There are no term limits.
- The board meets monthly for two hours on Tuesday evenings (currently 1st Tuesdays) at a Green Lake location in Seattle. The meeting style is informal, focusing on reports of current and planned activity, with discussion of each item of business. Decision-making is by formal vote after consensus is reached.
- Board members are expected to advocate for the organization in the larger Seattle community and to support the chorus with their time, talent, and finances in a manner that is significant to them. There is no minimum financial requirement for serving on the board of directors.
- If you have an interest in choral music and want to help the Chorus to advance as an organization, consider serving on our board of directors!
If you are interested in joining the NWCC Board of Directors, please fill out the form below. Thanks!